Friday, October 9, 2009

Beautiful Sunset

I love pictures of outdoor scenery, especially sunsets and sunrises. I took these pictures from the back deck. Every Sunset has distinct coloring and shapes. Both of these pictures were taken seconds apart and see how rapidly the colors changed.

Richard reminded me that I have not written on my blog for six days. I have just spending time outside in the sun as much as I can. We are having such a lovely fall but I know the rains are coming.

Nothing real interesting going on. I just have something to ponder. In November we will have to decide whether Fairwood should be it's own city. I am waiting to read the Voter's Pamphlet to read the pros and cons. If this happens, we would be living in a different city without moving. If there is one thing you can count on in life it is change.

Since I don't have babies to write about, I will put on some more trivia I read. Thanksgiving will be coming in November so here is some turkey trivia.


Only Tom Turkeys gobble. Hen Turkeys make a clicking sound.

Domesticated Turkeys cannot fly.

Wild Turkeys can fly for short distances up to 55 miles per hour and can run 20 mph.

June is National Turkey lover's month.

It is estimated that at maturity a Turkey has 3,500 feathers.

Did you know that Benjamin Franklin proposed the Turkey as the Official bird of the United States? He thought it was a much more respectable bird than the Eagle "and withal a true original native of America".

When Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin sat down to enjoy their first meal on the moon, their food packets contained roasted turkey and all of the trimmings.


  1. What pretty pictures of the sunset.

  2. I wonder what the first meal on the moon would have been if the Russians had made it there first? Certainly wouldn't have been turkey!
