Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fun time in Portland

We spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday in Portland. Janet was helping with the Cub Scout Day Camp for two days. Donna and I spent Monday and Tuesday with Anna and Katie. We had a great time. It was over 90 degrees Monday and Tuesday. Real Summer weather. On Tuesday night Janet and Steven took us all to a Mexican Restaurant. It was hard to leave but we had to go. We had so much going on, as usual. Wednesday morning we went to Graham to see Heidi and Dan, then Donna had to be in Sequim by 5pm for her massage and then she was on the radio station from 7 to 9 pm. Also the Saturday before we left, Richard came over to visit and stayed overnight. We had a nice time. If Donna and I hadn't had to go to Portland Sunday we could have visited longer. I have a nice picture I took of Richard but I will have to put it on my next blog. I have an upstairs computer (my laptop) and a downstairs computer. Now I have an upstairs camera and a downstairs camera. I have the picture of Richard and of my pans downstairs so will show them on my next blog. Are you wondering why I have an upstairs camera and a downstairs camera?
A few days ago 2 deer were walking down the street actually going quite slowly but I only had one camera and the camera was downstairs. There was no way I could get downstairs and back fast enough to get their picture.
Now when they come back again I am prepared.

Back yard

Donna and Laif had sod put in their backyard yesterday. I had taken pictures of it and a few minutes ago Donna called and asked me to put a picture on. I am so far behind on my blogging again but this is a special request so will do this first. The grass looks really nice. I am in charge of keeping it wet.
I went to the big weekend sale that Penney's is having. I bought some clothes and a smaller purse. I saved $76.57. I had a 15% off coupon too.
Today was a new first for me. I had my lunch in my own "apartment". Now I found out something else I need. I need to buy me a toaster.

On my next blog I will show you my new pans. I will have to see if I remember how to cook.
The other exciting thing is that I am going to take a trip with Debbie over the Labor Day weekend to San Jose and see the Hearst castle. We will rent a car. It will just be a short trip so we will see whatever we can fit in.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Another week half over

My new pet basket. I better not get any more animals as it seems to be overflowing.
Donna picking peas from her little garden. It was surprising how many she got. We had them with our dinner Sunday. I took this picture from our deck of the new patio that George and Marge are having put in.

Another fairly busy week so far. Monday Donna and I went to Water Aerobics. We went to the Goodwill and Donna found a cute basket for my animals. It is a basket for a real puppy. Now my pets don't have to sleep on the floor.

Tuesday Donna had to take her car to Price Ford in Port Angeles so they could see what was wrong with the lumbar system in the driver's seat. Donna and Laif have to take it in Friday so that the mechanic will have time to work on it. We went to Swain's so I could buy a watering wand for my plant out back. They were half price. I had never been in there before. It is quite an unusual store.

You can see my plant next to my Hummingbird feeder in the second picture. It is hard to tell from the picture but it has red flowers that Hummingbirds are supposed to like. The flowers are almost a bell shape so that the Hummingbirds can get the nectar out. We will see how that goes.

We went to the Water Aerobics again this morning and I drove my car because Donna had an appointment with her eye doctor afterward and she was not going to be able to drive after her eyes were dialated.

We walked at Railroad Park today for nearly an hour. Almost every day we walk somewhere. It is sure hard work trying to keep healthy. I do feel better getting more exercise but I get tired too.

Janet is helping with Cub Scout Day camp Monday and Tuesday. Donna and I are going to drive there Sunday. We will be watching the girls. It should be fun.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Donna and Laif's 2008 Grand Marquis Donna made the rolls and I baked them in my gas oven.
Rolls baking. This oven heated to 400 degrees in
8 minutes. The rolls browned better than in
Donna's electric oven in the same amount of time.

First I wanted to mention that I spent last weekend with Debbie, Kent and Erik. I had a very nice time. Debbie and I went to the Temple Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon we went to the movie and later on that evening we went to Southcenter. Sunday we went to Church. Debbie was leading the music, also substituting in Primary and then went to Young Women's(her new calling). I followed her around. I didn't want to miss any time with her over the weekend. I did get to visit with the ladies I always sat with.
Donna came to pick me up Monday morning. We stopped at Penney's in Silverdale to look at dresses for Olive's blessing. We didn't buy it because I had a coupon for $10 off and Donna had a coupon for 15% off at home. We were going to go to Silverdale again on Thursday so that we could pick Laif up in Paulsbo after his work.
We went to the Social Security office in Port Angeles on Tuesday so I could put in a change of address. I was able to change my address on everything but that. I kept trying on line but it wouldn't go through. I had to take a number at the office but since I was the only one in line I got to go right up.
On the way back Donna spotted the Grand Marquis at the Price Ford dealer. They have been looking for awhile. Their Grand Marquis is a 2000 with lots of miles but is still running good but they wanted a newer one. This is the last year that the Grand Marquis is being made. The 2008 that I have a picture of above was the only one on the lot and the price had just been lowered so it was not going to last. (As a matter of fact it was pictured in their big ad today--probably couldn't pull it in time). Donna filled out all the paperwork and they even delivered the car Wednesday. Donna called Laif on the cell phone several times and also he got to see it on the Price Ford Website.
So now to Thursday. Since Donna had to go to Paulsbo to pick up Laif, we decided to make it a big shopping day. We took Marge Swift with us. We started out with the Grand opening of the new Goodwill store in Sequim. I think everybody in Sequim was there. We just walked through the crowd looking at what was there. The store is large and everything is well arranged. We didn't try to buy anything because the check-out lines were so long. We will check it out again when the grand opening is over. I took the coupons from Penney's with me. Donna picked out a beautiful dress. It was $60 but I had a coupon for $10 off and they let her use her 15% one off too so that really helped.
After that we ate lunch and Marge had a doctor appointment in Silverdale at 2:15. After Marge's appointment we did a little more looking at stores until it was time to pick up Laif. He seemed pleased with the car and drove us home. I sat in the back with Marge after we picked up Laif. The seats are leather and they have a lumbar support. I felt a lot more comfortable in the back.
This morning Donna and Laif are going to the Price Ford dealer so Laif can fill out his part of the papers and so they can do that necessary thing like paying on it.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Beautiful Sunset on a July evening. Everyday the scene changes here. I thought I would write a few more words before we take off this afternoon. As you can tell, I am still enjoying our great weather. This is day three of wonderful weather.
Donna says that something happens to me when the sun is out. I walk better and am in a happy mood. I must have a sun activated battery inside.
Donna and Laif got someone out to fix their heat pump. Now I will have to be sure I don't freeze down here.
I read that it is supposed to be 90 degrees in Renton so I am sure I will be toasty over there.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


July 20, 2009. A Barbecue in celebration on reaching 10,000 miles on my 2003 Kia Rio. Donna is manning the barbecue. Notice how dry the lawn is. We had a hot summer. I just loved this picture of Richard. He has had a wonderful smile from the time he was born.

People hovering around the kitchen where Debbie is fixing delicious food.

My car's special cake for it 10,000 miles. As of today, my car has 12,385 miles.

Today is such a beautiful sunny day. I did not take any pictures today but I wanted to show a picture of Summer. I looked back and found these July pictures. I cannot remember the occasion exactly except we had several people over for a barbecue and I thought it was an ideal time to celebrate my first 10,000 miles on my car.
Today was not supposed to be a day of running around but it was anyway. We went to finish up my Temple recommend and the only other thing on the trip was to buy milk.
Then we ended up buying a doorbell and a faucet for my sink. We came home and had lunch and after lunch Marge decided she needed some material for her quilting project at a quilt store. We stopped at McDonald's and had icecream cones; then we went to Joann's Fabric so Marge could buy more stuff. After that we went to Penney's in Sequim so Donna could buy some outfits for little Olive. I bought a new purse. I had a purse that I just bought at Penney's last month. The handle started shedding little black pieces on my arm. I showed the clerk. I did not have my receipt but she gave me $8. credit which in turn I used to buy outfits for Olive. I like dealing with Penney's. The clerks all treat you so well.
Donna told the clerk about her granddaughter, Olive, and the clerk said "What a darling name". Good choice, Michael and Rachel.
Finally we got back home and Donna is upstairs cooking dinner and I am down in the basement which is extremely comfortable. Donna says something must be wrong with her air conditioner because she can't get it under 81 degrees.
I hope our Summer lasts a few more days.
Tomorrow is the day I am going to Renton to visit Debbie, Kent and Erik and Donna and Laif are going to Pullman.
That's all for now.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Summer at last! A glorious day without a cloud in the sky. How I love Summer! Donna mowing the back yard while I sit on the deck enjoying the sun.
It is busy in George and Marge's yard too. Pepper is removing dirt to put in a patio for them and also getting rid of some shrub cover that is overtaking the yard.

There is nothing more glorious than a Summer day and all the activities that go with it. I read in the paper this morning that it was 103 degrees in New York and 102 degrees in Philadelphia. That might be a little too hot even for me.
Last night Donna and I went to the Book Club. It was a beautiful evening. I did have to walk way down the hill. Afterward I had to go way up the hill. It was a little tiring but I made it, using my walker, of course. Donna certainly sees to it that I do not lack for exercise.
Donna had to get up early to fill in at the radio station. She was on from 7am to 9am. She has a staff meeting at the station this afternoon.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Trip to Portland

It seems all I have been doing lately is traveling. First we spent the two days in Renton getting Diane ready for her interview and celebrating Kyle's birthday. We got back late on Thursday and then left Friday to go to Portland. This coming weekend Donna and Laif will be flying to Pullman to see their new granddaughter, Olive. I will get to ride to Renton with Donna and Laif to spend the weekend with Debbie. I am excited about that. I have been hoping I would be able to spend time with her. I guess she still likes me even though I moved out.
I just put on a few pictures. The one with the kids flopped on my bed in the hotel room is when Janet brought them over to swim in the hotel pool.
The picture on the bottom is of Steven and Janet practicing for their musical number for the 4th of July musical program at Church. Their Church is from 1pm to 4pm and then we had to go back for the program at 6:30. It was a long day but worth it. The program was great.
Janet and Steven fixed a nice barbecue on the 3rd and the 4th.
I really enjoyed the trip but I was pretty wiped out by the last day. On the last day we went to Cannon Beach so David could fly the kite that Donna and Laif gave him for his birthday and then we went to Clatsop State Park. I have really been getting exercise.
Today Mountain Propane is here to run a new gas line to Donna and Laif's fireplace. Laif said it was a good thing I bought the appliances and that we found out about the leak . If the leak had not been detected it would have been a disaster waiting to happen. "Alls well that ends well".

Friday, July 2, 2010

Diane dressed for her interview

I have lots to write about but for now I just wanted to let you know what is going on with Diane. Wednesday we went to Southcenter to get some new outfits and a couple of pair of shoes for Diane. Diane was having an interview with Car Toys on Thursday. Thursday morning she came over to Debbie's so Donna could get her all fixed up for her interview. Diane wore this outfit with gray shoes that matched the outfit. Donna had fixed Diane's hair real nice.
Donna drove us into Seattle so that helped Diane be more relaxed. The place is on the top of Queen Anne Hill. I have never been so up close to the radio towers before.
Anyway, the good news is that DIANE GOT THE JOB! Yeah for her. Diane is very good at her work. I am sure she will do fine. She starts Tuesday at 8am. It is a contract job but who knows, it may turn out to be more.
An interesting note--There was a man that was being interviewed at 2pm and Diane was 2:15. Diane was a few minutes early and the man that was being interviewed before Diane was a few minutes late because he couldn't figure out the phone system. (You had to call on the phone to let them know you were there) Diane showed him how it worked. Donna and I had seen him go in and come out. He was not in there very long. Diane was in about half an hour.
I cannot believe what a mess the traffic is in Seattle. Diane is going to try to car pool.
We are getting ready to go to Portland this afternoon. David is being baptized Saturday. Also we are waiting for the stork to arrive at Michael and Rachel's house. Depending on how things go we may have to drive to Pullman and leave Donna over there.