Monday, May 14, 2012


I need to catch up on my blog. So much has been going on.  Above is my new Ottlite lamp.  It is just amazing for needlework and small  print.  The picture above I took with all the lights off and you can see how bright it is.  It is just like working in the sunlight.  On the left is a picture of the counted cross stitch project I am doing.  It is a beautiful Autumn scene.  It will be 14" x 11" when it is done and will probably take me six months or more.  I have not done a large counted cross stitch picture in years.

I hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day yesterday.  The weather was absolutely beautiful. I am so thankful I have lived to enjoy the wonderful technology we have today.  Erik was able to Skype on Mother's Day and Debbie set up a group skype.  It was just amazing. Kent was in Renton, Debbie and Jennie were in Salt Lake, Erik was in Sacramento and Donna, Laif and I were in Sequim.  We could see each other and talk to each other. It was just absolutely amazing.  Erik looks so good.  He seems to really be enjoying his Mission.

I am sure everyone knows that Michael and Rachel have their new baby girl, Eleanor, who was born in April.  The other exciting news is that Michael has graduated and the same weekend Eleanor was blessed.  Michael will be going to BYU in Provo for two years to work on getting his Masters in Electrical engineering.

The other news is that my son, Richard, and his wife Joan are being modern day pioneers.  They are on their way to Atlanta, GA to spend a month so that Richard can help Diane with some projects in her house she just bought there.  I think I already mentioned that she paid $33,000 for it including closing costs.

The reason I say they are modern day pioneers is that they are traveling in Richard's van with 5 dogs and 2 cats and towing a pickup truck full of tools. Diane said she talked to Richard and Joan yesterday and they were in Iowa.  They only had one problem so far that I know of.  Richard called me a couple of days ago and they were in Rapid City, South Dakota. The towing chain had broke but they got it fixed.  Since they had spent six hours in Rapid City over the towing problem, they thought they would go to Mount Rushmore.  I hope they did.  That was one of the sights that really impressed me when Donna and I went to the mid-west.

My leg is doing much better.  I can go up and down stairs without pain now.  My right leg is still pretty weak and the therapist still wants me to use a cane.  It does help to distribute the weight better.  It is easier to walk outdoors with a cane.  Who knows, at my age I might be using it the rest of my life but there are worse things.  At least I can still walk and take care of myself and do my housework so I really don't have anything to complain about.