Saturday, April 28, 2012


I can hardly remember how my downstairs used to look. Notice how much my Snake Plant has grown.  I started working on this blog earlier today.  Some how I got a couple of pictures on and even got a comment from Rachel and now those pictures have disappeared from my blog.  Now it is so nice downstairs.  Not much else going on.  Had my physical therapy yesterday.  My leg was really sore today but I am much better.  I have an idea this is going to be a lifetime job keeping my legs working right. I am sure I will have to keep doing the exercises forever.  Whatever I can do to keep on my feet I will.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I had another physical therapy session today.  I think this is my 6th one.  I have always in my mind questioned things like Chiropractors, massage therapists, and physical therapists wondering if they really help people..  It seems like for a couple of days after a session I hurt worse but today it was like I had a breakthrough.  Shelia, the therapist, still did this pushing, stretching etc. but today it did not hurt as bad.  I have not only the weakness in my right leg but in the thigh of my right leg I have a mass that is like scar tissue and she is working on getting that broken up.  After the pushing and moving my leg around she took me to the exercise room and I was on a step-on for 10 minutes.  It is kind of like being on an exercise bike but your legs just go back and forth on the pedals.  The reason I said it was like a breakthrough is that today  I could really feel my leg loosening up and it did not hurt when I stepped down.  I could feel my leg was much more relaxed.  Sheila said my leg is a little stronger. I am still using the belt but the time might come when I don't need to.  I told her I have an exercise bike and she said by all means use it but not overdo. Anyway, I just wanted to share this news.  I guess there is still hope for old people like me.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Today I saw the physical therapist.  She claims the problem is still my sacroiliac nerve and that I have probably had this problem for some time.  She said my right leg is very weak.  That is the reason I limp.  I have been making my right leg do all the work.  I had another deep tissue massage and then she did a lot of pushing on my leg.  Now that I am home it is really hurting.  I have an exercise that I have to do at least three times a day.  She will add another one Friday. Also she wants me to use my cane and get the weight off the right leg.  She claims the limp will get better if I do that.  Of course, the thing  we are all supposed to do is walk tall, suck in your stomach. So much to remember.  She claims I am not to old to make my legs stronger.  She still wants me to wear the belt for awhile yet.  I will have to admit that my leg is doing much better even though it is sore where she did all the pushing.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


George and Marge took me to the "Old Mill" for an Easter breakfast brunch.  We had to wait awhile but it was very nice.  When we got back, there were two deer in the yard pruning Donna's Rose bushes.
     It was very nice to get out.  I have been putting up with pain in my right leg.  I had actually made an appointment with the doctor for Monday but Donna called and got an appointment for me for Thursday.  It was so bad I could hardly walk.  Donna arranged for Eloise (my visiting teaching companion) to take me to the doctor.  It is good she did that.  I always hate to bother other people so that was why I wanted to wait until Monday when Donna was back.  The doctor thought it was my Sciatica. I had to make an appointment with a Physical Therapist and they were able to get me in Friday.  Marge took me.  The Therapist after doing many painful things to my leg said it was my Sacroiliac joint.  He gave me a deep heat massage.  That really felt good.  Also he let me use his loaner Sacroiliac belt.  I went into the the Therapist using my cane and after he put the belt on I was amazed at how it almost immediately stopped the pain. He wants me to wear it until I have my next appointment (Tuesday) and if it has been helping he will sell me one at cost.  He says that is the only product he sells his patients.  I see there are a lot of them on line.  That belt really helps.  Even when I take it off at night I am not having near as much pain so maybe I am healing.  The Therapist said I should wear it at night too if I can but I found I can't.  I am one of those people who can't sleep if there is a wrinkle in my sheet.
        I had a doctor Thursday I had not seen before.  She was looking over my chart and said "You're 84" and I said "Yes".  She said "You are in such good health."  It struck me funny because I am sitting there in all this pain.
        In case you are wondering what a Sacroiliac belt is--it is stretchy material with Velcro straps.  You put it on so that the bottom of the belt is resting right on top of your thigh bones and around your buttocks.
        Of course, I am sure everyone knows by now that Michael and Rachel have an adorable new baby girl.  You can see the darling pictures on Rachel's blog.

          I hope everyone is having a Happy Easter.