Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Donna and I were planning to take a vacation to the Midwest in August to see the Rocky Ridge home of Laura and Almanzo Wilder. We had seen all the other sites when we went there a couple of years ago. On our trip there we saw so much. All the Laura Ingalls sites, Mount Rushmore, Wall Drugs, the Corn Palace and also after Laif joined us we saw the hometown of Walt Disney and the Mark Twain sites.

While Donna and Laif were gone this last weekend, I spent hours pouring over the towns in the midwest close to Mansfield, Missouri where the Rocky Ridge farm is. Mansfield is absolutely in the middle of nowhere. It is fairly close to Springfield, Missouri . There is an airport there and then you would have to drive there. Kansas City and St. Louis are quite a distance. Even in those cities there was not much that interested us. There is Branson but I don't want to go there. It is called the Las Vegas of the midwest. The shows are so expensive and except for one show the others did not interest me. Now we have completely changed our plans.

After more time pouring over places to go and even thinking maybe Hawaii, we finally decided on Cancun, Mexico.

We booked an all-inclusive vacation package from Costco. It is one of their buyer's choice packages. All is included----airfare, hotel, all meals, transportation to and from the hotel. We will have an ocean view. The pictures of the resort look wonderful.

We will be leaving on June 24th and coming back on June 30th. The flight is what will really be hard on me because I think it is about a seven or eight hour flight. On the way to Cancun we will have a stop-over in Phoenix and on the way back we will have a stop-over in Charlotte, NC. The main thing I must do is get up and walk at least every two hours. Donna said she will see that I do. Hopefully I will sleep a lot.

One other problem we will have to work out is that our flight from Sea-Tac to Cancun is very early. Our flight leaves at 5:15 am but Donna says we will have to be there at 4:15 because it is an international flight.

In case you are wondering how we changed from August to June is that Laif will be leaving for Egypt for work on the 19th of June and won't be getting back until about the same time as us. Donna only has a short day of school on the 23rd and then she is through with school for the Summer. Donna thought this would be a good time to go.

We will get all the details worked out and in the meantime I am so looking forward to a warm sunny place. Donna said it is exactly what she wants to do too. We will spend a lot of time in beach chairs. There are pools by the hotel and also hot tubs. Donna can go swimming and I can do the hot tub. There are places to shop.

We were thinking about taking the Myan Ruin trip but it is an all day trip. From 7am to 7pm. I am not sure we want to do that. We just like the idea of a very relaxing vacation.

1 comment:

  1. You guys will have so much fun! That sounds like the perfect vacation.
