I hope everyone had a good Friday, the 13th. Myself, I have never had bad luck on Friday, the 13th. We did have a calf born on a Friday, the 13th. He was mean and always tried to attack people. He would put his head down and butt you as hard as he could. I am sure Dan and Darrell remember when our big black Lab saved them from the calf. The calf was charging, ready to attack when our Lab went for it's throat to make it back off. I think that calf would have been mean no matter what day it had been born.
In case you are worried about Friday, the 13th' there is only one this year.
Fear of Friday, the 13th may be the biggest superstition of all time. In a report done in 2004, between $800 to $900 Million dollars are lost each Friday, the 13th as a result of people avoiding travel, wedding plans, moving and so on.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt would not travel on the 13th of any month and would never host 13 guests at a meal.
I once totaled a car on Friday the thirteenth, but I also got my mission call on Friday the thirteenth :)