Everyone seemed to have a good time. I took more pictures but I just put a few on right now.
An interesting little happening--Kyle and Erik left to go to Kyle's house to play a game for the evening. I asked them what they were going to play and they said "Dungeons and Dragons". I almost fell over from shock when they said that. Just the day before, Friday, I just finished reading a true crime story involving that game. Up until I read the book I had never even heard of the game.
The book was "Cruel Doubt" by Joe McGinnis. The murder happened in 1988 in North Carolina. Chris Pritchard plotted with two of his friends to murder his step-father, Leith Von Stein and his mother for a $2 million dollar fortune. Leith Von Stein was killed and Chris Pritchard's mother was seriously injured but did recover. Anyway, according to author Joe McGinnis and author Jerry Bledsoe, the murder was a result of role playing of the Dungeons and Dragons and the authors played up the role-playing angle claiming the game was a feeding program for occultism and witchcraft.
As it turns out only 2 murders have been loosely associated with the game. I just thought it was so weird that I just finished reading that book and the book really does convince you that the murder was a result of the game. I am sure now that the boys in the plot must already had some mental problems.
Kyle and Erik explained a little of the game to me. So continue your fun guys and enjoy.
Talking about shocks, today I had my eye exam and my cataracts in both eyes have finally got into my line of vision. I have known for awhile that I am not seeing as good as I have been. my lenses for my glasses have not changed, the cataracts are interfering with my sight. Anyway, the bottom line is that I am going to have to have Cataract surgery. I was shaking all morning thinking about it. My neighbor, Marge, had hers done with the same eye surgeon that will do mine. Marge said it is an easy surgery and that I will be surprised how well I will see. Marge Otte had cataract surgery not too long ago and she too says I will see so much better.
Frank also had both eyes done. It is an easy procedure, and you will be glad you did it.