Sunday, May 24, 2015


Windmill in the gardens

Beautiful flowers and shrubs

Lilac bushes
On the way back from the Retreat Donna and I stopped to see the Lilac Gardens in Woodland, WA.  These pictures don't really show how large the gardens are.  There are many other shrubs besides Lilacs.  There are rows  of Lilacs with name tags for each kind.  The gardens are only open for a short time each year.  We couldn't tour the house because it was not open when we went there.  There were even tables where you could eat your picnic lunch.  The gardens are incredibly beautiful.  Maybe we can stop and see them next year when we go to the Retreat. There must be Honey Bee hives near by.  The Honey Bees were everywhere.


The sewing room at Our Quilting Retreat

We had our Quilting Retreat from May 14th through May 17th.  I just realized I have been going to the Retreats for six years now.  It is so nice to get together once a year. The girls are talking about adding a day next year.  Donna is making a King size quilt for her bed.  I just brought my counted cross stitch.  Everyone admires my counted cross stitch.

We draw names to give gifts at the Retreat.  It is a secret pal exchange.  It turned out that Donna had my name so I got this pillow back that I made and one of the bags that Donna made.

My Secret person was absolutely thrilled with her pillow and the bag. I don't think Donna and I will work that hard next year.  Everyone was supposed to bring a handmade item but not everyone did --so now the new rule is you can bring a handmade item if you want to.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


A dozen Roses for me
I haven't taken the time to write about our quilting retreat but thought I would put this picture on first.  Yesterday a gentleman and his son-in-law were looking at the property next door.  Donna and Laif had gone to town so he was asking about the neighborhood and things. We probably visited about 15 minutes and I was just giving him Donna's phone number when Donna and Leif drove up. Leif showed him our yard and explained some things to him. They were such nice people  we were hoping they would build there but they changed their minds.

Just a few minutes ago the doorbell rang.  There were these Roses for me and a thank you card with a Costco gift card for Donna and Leif.  What nice and thoughtful people they were.  Wherever they build someone will be fortunate to have them for a neighbor.

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Counted Cross Stitch pictures for our Retreat.
Donna made these darling bags
We are putting the pillows in the bags.

Donna made these pictures I did  into pillows.

We are leaving for our Quilting Retreat on Thursday and will not be back until Sunday afternoon.  The Retreat is near Vancouver, Washington.  We always have a good time.  It is fun to get together with everyone. Donna is going to be working on a quilt at the Retreat.  I can help her with it.  I am bringing my Counted cross stitch to work on too. I have about a fourth of the Wolf Picture done.  It is still going to take me awhile to finish it.  I usually don't work on it while David is down for the winter.  I may get this one done before Winter as this picture is not as big as the others I worked on.