Thursday, February 23, 2012

Noah and Hazel slept in the guest room downstairs and Olive slept upstairs while Michael and Rachel were on their "Babymoon".  We just had to take these adorable pictures of Noah and Hazel.  Donna and Laif apparently wore them out because they went right to sleep the first night downstairs.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Today Erik left  to go on his Mission.  There are pictures on Facebook with Erik and his Mom and Erik and Jennie.  

This morning I got a call from David in Alaska telling us that Sequim was on the National news.  A friend of his down here told him about it.  Donna and I hadn't listened to the news.  Last night about 6pm, a 40 ft boat exploded at the John Wayne Marina. The man on board was 78 and has life threating injures.  Burns and broken bones.A couple that were two slips away were able to get him out of the debris.  The man is in Harborview Hospital in serious condition.  The explosion ripped the boat into pieces and was powerful enough to damage boats up to 75 yards away.  It is unclear what caused the explosion.  I saw the pictures on the news.  It is a miracle he got out alive.

The picture is Donna's new Fish tank.  She bought a bigger one Friday and it has a bowed front.  It looks very nice.  Donna wanted to add more fish so we went to the Pet store.  I bought 3 Neon fish and she bought a different color Guppie than the one she already had.  The Neon fish are very small but very colorful.  They are Blue and flash through the tank and look so nice.  We bought them Monday and  after they were in the tank the other fish were chasing the Neon fish.  By Tuesday evening we could no longer find even any scrap of the three fish.  So today we went back to the Pet Store with a sample of the water from the tank and our receipt.  (The fish are guaranteed for 30 days.)  We picked out 3 more Neon fish.  I thought maybe we shouldn't try them again but Donna really liked them.  I just checked on them again a few minutes ago and so far they are doing fine.  The other fish are ignoring them which is a good sign.  

Rachel and Daryl have some nice kitty pictures on their blog.