Friday, December 31, 2010


A picture of a Sunrise that I took in November 2009 at Debbie's houseNot too much going on. On Christmas Eve, Donna fixed a nice dinner. We had Marge and George, Marge Otte, Kyle, and Mars and her daughter, Zoey. Mars husband did not feel up to coming. At the present time Mars and her family are living in a tent. I hope things get better for them as winter has just started.

On Christmas Day the weather was great. It was sunny but not real cold. Marge, George, Donna, Laif and I, and of course Misty, all walked at Carrie Blake Park.

I have finally decided to get busy and do a couple of projects. My new couch and chair are coming tomorrow. I have started a nice Afghan to throw over it. It is a beautiful pattern and it is in three shades of pink--light to dark-- and it will take me awhile to get it done. Also I bought some pretty yellow fabric with small red apples on it. I am going to make a Cafe curtain for the window at the far end of downstairs. I think I told Debbie kitchen window but it is actually in the dining area.

Also I finally broke down and bought a Kindle reader. I had been wavering back and forth about it for so long. I would tell myself it would be nice and then I would tell myself I didn't need it. But finally due to a generous gift from my wonderful Grandson, Kyle, I finally broke down and ordered it. I have it already. It came yesterday. I absolutely love it. I have ordered the new John Grisham book I have been wanting and also the LDS scriptures. A lot of the books are very reasonable. Some are free, some only 99 cents, a lot for $3.00 and then the others like $9.00 and up. I will just have to watch I don't get carried away ordering books. It will hold 3,500 books. Thanks again Kyle for giving me that little nudge I needed to make up my mind. Already I just love the Kindle.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Just a few pictures I took at Debbie's at our family Christmas Party. We had our party on the 18th this year. Everyone seemed to have a great time. I so enjoyed seeing all the grandchildren, spouses and great-grandchildren. Donna, Laif and I got to Debbie's Saturday morning. When we arrived, we found the power had been off since midnight. That was very frustrating for Debbie as she always works so hard doing this party every year. Laif and Kent rented a generator and got that hooked up and wouldn't you know the power was back on a short time later. Everything worked out fine. The food was wonderful. Debbie made it a fun time for everyone. She is a great hostess.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I caught this rainbow this morning. It was a complete rainbow but I couldn't get the whole circle in my camera from where I was standing on the deck. It was an amazing sight. The downtown was bathed in bright sunshine and up on the hill where I took the picture, it was raining.

A few weeks ago I got a bone density test. I had never had a complete bone density test before. I have had the ones where you put your foot in a tub. Anyway, I am so pleased that my test turned out normal. I am at low risk for fracture. Of course I still have to keep taking calcium with Vitamin D and exercising. I won't need another test for 2-3 years. I am so fortunate.
I saw pictures on TV of the terrible storm that went through last night. One lady was killed from a falling tree. We did not get that. We had some rain. When I talked to Debbie she told me it was real bad in Renton. Transformers were blowing and the wind and rain were really bad and they lost power for awhile. Debbie said you could hear the storm coming.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


David was down from Alaska for a month so we did a lot of running around. We had a nice Thanksgiving. We had lots of company which was nice. Now Christmas is just around the corner. My new couch and chair should be delivered on January 1st. I can hardly wait.

I had a Hummingbird visit my feeder. It was a male one. It was a beautiful green one. I see that the syrup is going down in the feeder so I guess they are coming around. I probably would see them more if I spend all day downstairs.
Hummingbirds have long lifespans for organisms with rapid metabolisms. Among the better-known North American species, the average lifespan is 3 to 5 years. The Rufous Hummingbird is one of several species that breed in Western North America and are wintering in increasing numbers rather than in tropical Mexico. Thanks in part to artificial feeders and winter-blooming gardens, Hummingbirds are surviving Northern winters and even returning to the same garden year after year. The Rufous Hummingbird nests farther North than any other species and must tolerate temperatures below freezing on its breeding grounds. This cold hardiness enables it to survive temperatures well below freezing, provided that adequate shelter and feeders are available.