Monday, November 22, 2010


We really got hit with the snow. As I am writing this Donna, Laif, Michael, Rachel and children are out shopping. They have been gone a couple of hours. David and I, who seem to be the only intelligent people here, are hunkered down in the warm house watching the snow. David went out and took some pictures for me of the snow. It looks like we have about 5 inches now. The wind is starting to pick up and is blowing the snow around. Aren't these nice pictures of the kids? Noah has the nicest smile.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


The first snow here in Sequim. It did not last long. Today was a good day to stay in. I baked Pecan rolls. It is the first time I have made them in many years. Everyone thought they were great. It was my practice run. I will be baking some for Thanksgiving. Apparently I am "volunteering" to make the dinner rolls too.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I just love the new floor! I am going to look into buying a new couch but not until after the first of the year. The floor looks so nice and I want a nice looking couch to go on it.


Just a few pictures from our quilting retreat we went to the first weekend of November. It was a lot of fun. Bottom picture is Donna and Debbie in Debbie's kitchen doing some preparation for the Retreat. It was great to have a girls weekend.

Friday, November 12, 2010


The quilt I made for the back of my couch at the Quilting Retreat. This couch is the same old couch that Clayton and I had. I have no idea how old it is. I think about getting another one from time to time. Maybe I should take lessons from Rachel about couches.

This is my new kitchen floor. Laif is doing his part in recycling. This flooring is from Debbie's house. We are going to continue with the flooring throughout the room. That was my idea. I have never really liked carpeting in the main living area.

Another view of the floor. Laif worked really hard the weekend we girls went to the Quilting Retreat to get this done. He had to move a lot of things to put it in and move them all back.

Donna, Debbie, Diane and I all had a great time at the Quilting Retreat. Next time the retreat will be in a different location. The retreat will still be near the Columbia River Gorge but on the Washington side instead of the Oregon side. The hotel we stayed at and where the retreats have been for years are turning their conference room into a breakfast room. The breakfast room they have now is quite small.

Look on Facebook at Columbia Gorge Retreats and you will see a picture of everyone that was at the Retreat. Debbie, Donna and Diane got new nicknames at the Retreat. Everyone called them the "D" sisters.